Thursday, July 19, 2012

Review by The Mint

A very kind review of The Angel's Share in The Mint:

"Satyajit Sarna’s maiden book, The Angel’s Share, gives voice to a generation desperate to be heard...The Angel’s Share is about self-discovery. It is about an individual coming to know himself, a generation coming to know itself. It is a story not about overnight changes, but complicated becomings."


When I wrote The Angel's Share, I found myself wishing I could do more to bring a reader into the world I was describing, and creating. I wanted the reader to hear with my ears, smell through my nose, to associate with each passing moment, each plot point a set of sensations, a hidden library of senses.

In fact Library was the concept I was looking for, like a library in C++, a set of definitions, a context to borrow and insert by reference. I wanted to point to a song or a painting, and say, this is what I mean. It is with the colour, the heft, the tone of this song that I want you to read these words. And so - the chapter names in The Angel's Share. To make it easier for readers, here's a link to a YouTube playlist which plays the songs in the order they are listed.

Of course, there is a kind of person who responds to music, and to the kinds of songs I had included. I realize that a majority of people would just like to read the book through and not be bothered by a lot of songs. But if you do like music, and you like this kind of music, please do let me know if the experiment works for you.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Angel's Share at #2

So I opened the paper this morning and promptly spilled my coffee all over it.

Naturally, 50 Shades of Grey will be right at the top. It's the publishing phenomenon of the millennium so far.

But my small mournful book about loss and self-discovery? At No. 2? Frankly, I'm in shock.

Thank you to all of you who bought The Angel's Share and read it or are reading it. Please do give me feedback in the comments section.